Software Archives - Four where Blog Mon, 25 Sep 2023 13:14:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Software Archives - Four where 32 32 Software Development Lifecycles: From Concept to Deployment Mon, 25 Sep 2023 13:14:28 +0000 Software development is a dynamic and intricate process that involves numerous stages, methodologies, and teams working together to bring digital solutions to life. At the heart of this process lies the software development lifecycle (SDLC), a systematic approach to designing, building, testing, and deploying software applications. In this article, we will explore the various stages of the software development lifecycle […]

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Software development is a dynamic and intricate process that involves numerous stages, methodologies, and teams working together to bring digital solutions to life. At the heart of this process lies the software development lifecycle (SDLC), a systematic approach to designing, building, testing, and deploying software applications. In this article, we will explore the various stages of the software development lifecycle and the importance of each in creating reliable and effective software.

Understanding the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC)

The SDLC is a structured framework that guides software developers from the initial concept of a project to its final deployment and maintenance. This process ensures that software is developed systematically, following best practices, and meeting the specified requirements.

1.Plаnning аnd Rеquirеmеnt Anаlysis

Rеquirеmеnt Gаthеring: In this phаse, projeсt stаkeholders, including clients, businеss аnаlysts, аnd develoрers, сollаborаte tо gаthеr аnd document thе projeсt’s requirements. Тhis includеs functionаl, teсhniсаl, аnd operаtionаl requirements. Feаsibility Study: A feаsibility study аssesses whethеr thе рroрosed projeсt is teсhniсаlly аnd economicаlly viаble. It exаmines рotentiаl risks, budget сonstrаints, аnd resource аvаilаbility.

2. Systеm Design Architecturаl Design: During this stаge, thе softwаrе аrchitecture is defined. Thе system’s structure, comрonents, аnd interасtions аrе рlаnned, еnsuring sсаlаbility, security, аnd efficiency. Нigh-Level Design: Detаiled sрecificаtions for eаch system comрonent аrе сreаted. Тhis includеs dаtаbаse dеsign, user interfаce dеsign, аnd аlgorithm рlаnning.

3. Implementаtion (Cоding) Cоding: Develоpers writе code bаsеd on thе dеsign sрecificаtions. Thеy follow coding stаndаrds аnd bеst рrаctices tо creаte efficient аnd mаintаinаble code. Unit Тesting: Eасh comрonent or mоdule is tеstеd individuаlly tо еnsurе it functions сorreсtly. Unit tеsts helр idеntify аnd fix bugs eаrly in thе develoрment рrocess.

4. Тesting Integrаtiоn Тesting: Multiрle comрonents аrе integrаted аnd tеstеd tоgethеr tо еnsurе thеy work hаrmoniously. Тhis phаse identifies аny comраtibility issuеs. Systеm Тesting: Thе еntirе softwаrе system is tеstеd tо verify thаt it meets аll thе requirements аnd functions сorreсtly in its intеndеd еnvironmеnt.

5. Deрloyment Deрloyment Plаnning: A deplоyment рlаn is developed tо еnsurе а smooth trаnsitiоn from thе develoрment еnvironmеnt tо thе prоductiоn еnvironmеnt. Тhis includеs considerаtions for dаtа migrаtiоn, user trаining, аnd suppоrt. Deрloyment: Thе softwаrе is dеployеd tо thе prоductiоn еnvironmеnt, mаking it аccessible tо usеrs. Тhis phаse mаy invоlve betа testing with а limited group of usеrs befоre а full releаse.

6. Mаintenаnce аnd Suppоrt Mаintenаnce: Once dеployеd, thе softwаrе requires оngоing mаintenаnce tо аddress bugs, security updаtes, аnd enhаncements. Mаintenаnce mаy invоlve regulаr pаtches аnd updаtes. Usеr Suppоrt: Providing suppоrt tо end-usеrs, аddressing thеir inquiries, issuеs, аnd trоubleshооting рroblems, is аn оngоing responsibility.

The Importance of the Software Development Lifecycle

1. Ensuring Quality and Reliability:

The SDLC’s systematic approach helps identify and address issues early in the development process. This results in higher software quality and reliability.

2. Meeting Requirements:

By thoroughly analyzing and documenting requirements in the planning phase, the SDLC ensures that the final software product meets the client’s expectations.

3. Risk Management:

The feasibility study and risk assessment in the initial stages of the SDLC help identify potential challenges and mitigate risks.

4. Collaboration and Communication:

The SDLC promotes collaboration among project stakeholders, including developers, testers, business analysts, and clients. Clear communication is crucial for project success.

Common SDLC Methodologies

Several methodologies can be applied within the SDLC framework, each with its own approach and benefits:

Waterfall Mоdel: А linear, sequential аpproаch with each phаse comрleted befоre mоving to the next. Wеll-suitеd fоr prоjects with well-defined requirements аnd minimal chаnges.

Аgile Methоdоlоgy: Iterative аnd fleхible, with frequent сollaboratiоn bеtwееn develоpers аnd cliеnts. Wеll-suitеd fоr prоjects where requirements may evolve.

Scrum: А subset оf Аgile, Scrum divides work into time-bound iteratiоns cаlled sprints, emрhasizing аdаptаbility аnd сollaboratiоn.

Kаnbаn: Focusеs оn visualizing workflow аnd mаnaging work in рrogress, allоwing teams to make incrеmеntal improvеmеnts.

DevОps: Cоmbines develoрment аnd operatiоns teams to strеamlinе sоftware delivery аnd еnhаncе сollaboratiоn thrоughоut the SDLC.

Leаn Sоftwаre Develоpment: Focusеs оn maхimizing value while minimizing waste, making proсesses mоre efficient аnd respоnsive.

Cоnclusiоn: А Systematic Аpproach to Sоftwаre Develоpment

The sоftware develoрment lifecycle is the backbоne оf еvеry succеssful sоftware prоject. It provides struсture, clаrity, аnd a roadmap fоr develоpers, ensuring thаt sоftware is built efficiently, mееts requirements, аnd cаn adaрt to chаnging needs. By fоllоwing аn SDLC methоdоlоgy аnd embracing best practices, sоftware develoрment teams cаn create reliable, high-quality solutiоns thаt benefit users аnd orgаnizatiоns alike.

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Second life of graphics cards after mining Thu, 07 Sep 2023 14:00:45 +0000 Are you ready to discover the second life that graphics cards can have? If you thought that their potential stopped at mining, it’s time to reconsider. With a little bit of imagination and creativity, these technological marvels can find new homes and purposes in the digital world. Some people use them for gaming and rendering, while others incorporate them into […]

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Are you ready to discover the second life that graphics cards can have? If you thought that their potential stopped at mining, it’s time to reconsider. With a little bit of imagination and creativity, these technological marvels can find new homes and purposes in the digital world. Some people use them for gaming and rendering, while others incorporate them into DIY projects and experiments. The possibilities are endless and exciting! Instead of letting your graphics cards collect dust, why not give them a chance at a new adventure? Who knows what kind of magic they can create once they’re given a second chance. So, strap on your innovation cap and let’s see what kind of fun we can have!

Data centers can give a second life to graphics cards after mining by providing VDI services

Who says that once a graphics card is used for mining, it can no longer be useful? Data centers are giving these cards a second chance to shine by providing VDI services. This exciting new development means that one of the biggest issues with graphic card mining – the waste – can now be turned into a productive output. With VDI, graphics cards can be repurposed for the facilitation of virtual desktops and software, providing both energy and cost savings. The implications of this innovation are staggering – not just for individuals who are looking to extend the life of their graphics cards, but also for the data centers that are implementing this technology. Let’s raise our glasses to new chances and new beginnings!

It is also very economical to open a gaming club by buying video cards after mining

Are you looking for a way to start a gaming club that won’t break the bank? Well, look no further than buying video cards after mining! Not only is this method cost-effective, but it allows you to get your hands on the latest technology at a fraction of the retail price. Imagine being able to provide your members with top-of-the-line gaming experiences without having to shell out a fortune. With the money you save, you can invest in other areas to take your club to the next level. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to create a gaming haven that won’t drain your wallet!

If you have a small private mining farm, you can run an online game server

Are you a gamer who also happens to have a small private mining farm? Well, hold onto your seats because I have some exciting news for you! Did you know that you can use your mining farm to support an online game server? That’s right, you can combine your passion for gaming with your love for cryptocurrency mining and create a fun and profitable venture. Running an online game server comes with its own challenges, but with your mining operation, you’ll have the computing power needed to handle the traffic and maintain a smooth gameplay experience. Get ready to embark on a thrilling adventure that is equal parts fun and lucrative!

Training AI on the power of old mining farms

Get ready to witness the future! Artificial Intelligence is about to get a major power boost from an unexpected source – old mining farms. Yes, you heard that right! These rusty relics from the past are being repurposed to train AI algorithms and push the limits of what’s possible. With their high-end GPUs and processing speeds, these mining farms are breathing new life into the world of machine learning. Imagine what AI could do with all that computation power at its fingertips – from predicting natural disasters to improving healthcare, and even revolutionizing transportation. It’s an exciting time to be alive, don’t you think? Let’s wait and see the amazing things that AI can accomplish with the help of old mining farms.

Reconfiguring post-mining cards to provide rendering services

Have you heard about the amazing new possibilities for post-mining cards? This is a game-changing innovation that will revolutionize the world of rendering services. Imagine being able to repurpose old mining equipment, which may be sitting around collecting dust, and use it to deliver high-quality rendering services that are fast, efficient, and effective. It’s hard to contain our excitement over the tremendous potential of this technology. With reconfigured post-mining cards, the possibilities are endless, and the future of rendering services looks bright!

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New Analytics Software: The Advantages of Google Analytics 4 Mon, 10 Apr 2023 06:58:59 +0000 In early 2022, Google updated its primary analytics tool. We have tested the updated version and share the differences between Google Analytics 4 and Universal Analytics, as well as the useful features introduced in the program. Updates in Google Analytics 4 Google Analytics 4 (previously App+Web Analytics) is the latest version of Google’s analytics tool. It’s a relatively new resource […]

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In early 2022, Google updated its primary analytics tool. We have tested the updated version and share the differences between Google Analytics 4 and Universal Analytics, as well as the useful features introduced in the program.

Updates in Google Analytics 4

Google Analytics 4 (previously App+Web Analytics) is the latest version of Google’s analytics tool. It’s a relatively new resource type that focuses on user actions and tracks the user journey across various platforms. It is designed for users who need to combine data from both websites and mobile apps. 

The primary distinction between GA4 and previous versions is the data measurement model. Universal Analytics employs a measurement model based on “sessions + page views.” In contrast, GA4 employs a “Event + Parameter” measurement approach. Each user contact is treated as an event. This model improves behavior prediction and allows you to monitor user-centric activities across your websites and apps, such as page views, traffic, and engagement.

Google Analytics 4 was originally released to improve privacy standards and ensure compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) rules. Third-party cookies were used by Universal Analytics to track users and gather data. However, with the rise of cookie blocking, new privacy laws, and increased ad blocker usage, UA began to experience significant data gaps. To gain access to user behavior and traffic data while preserving user privacy, the new GA4 employs a machine learning model rather than cookies.

Google Analytics 4 vs. Universal Analytics

The main difference between Google Analytics 4 and Universal Analytics is the data collection concept. While Universal Analytics collects data based on page views, Google Analytics 4 focuses on events. This is the main benefit of Google Analytics 4

Google Analytics 4 has changed the key principle of tracking and reporting. Universal Analytics was built around sessions, but the new version of the tool is all about events. This doesn’t mean that developers have completely abandoned sessions, but reporting will now be collected differently. For example, to calculate session duration, the time between the session_start event and the user’s last event must be considered. Therefore, data in Google Analytics 4 and Universal Analytics may differ.

The event structure has changed as well. Previously, each event had a hierarchy of transmitted parameters: Event Category > Event Action > Event Label > Event Value. Now, instead of a hierarchy, there’s only the event’s name. If desired, specific parameters can be transmitted along with the event, but they must be registered separately in the Google Analytics 4 interface to be used in reports. In the updated version, events can be created, modified, merged, overwritten, or marked as conversions within the resource itself.

Another new features in GA4 is artificial intelligence prediction. This application of AI allows you to identify data patterns and anticipate outcomes such as increased demand, churn rate, potential revenue, conversion probability, and purchase interest. With insights like these, you can make data-driven choices and forecast your audience’s future behavior.

There are numerous other advantages to AI forecast in GA4. It closes data gaps caused by users refusing cookies due to the cookie consent policy. These gaps are filled by grouping users who share comparable characteristics and behaviors into cohorts. The behavior of each cohort is then monitored in order to make future predictions.

Cross-Channel Data-Driven Attribution Model

In Google Analytics 4, there are many attribution models. Attribution is the process of assigning value to conversions, various ads, clicks, and factors along the user’s path to conversion. An attribution model can be a rule, a set of rules, or a data-driven algorithm that determines how the value of conversions is assigned to audience interaction points with content.

Google Analytics 4 offers a set of fixed-rule models for redistributing conversion value among multiple ad interaction points. In the updated version, Data-Driven cross-channel attribution based on data has been introduced. It differs from standard models: instead of using static values to determine the value of conversions, calculations are based on algorithms. This attribution model uses machine learning to distribute credits. The distribution is tailored for each conversion based on the account’s historical data. As models continually improve, this feature automatically adapts to performance changes across different interaction point categories.

Prospects for Implementing Google Analytics 4

Google Analytics 4 is the next step in the evolution of analytics. Whether to take this step now is up to each individual. In the past, websites installed Classic Analytics, and later, Google Analytics Universal. Now, all websites are created according to a specific standard, which provides for the installation of Google Analytics 4. Google itself foresees a bright future for the tool. 

Universal Analytics will be wrapping up by the 1st of JUly, 2023. Therefore, we highly recommend creating and configuring a Google Analytics 4 resource, which can collect historical data in parallel with your existing Universal Analytics property. 

Google Analytics 4 is actively being improved—16 updates were released in 2022 alone. This tool will undoubtedly become a leading analytics solution for websites and apps.

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Today’s world is powered by APIs Fri, 30 Dec 2022 12:32:23 +0000 Today’s world runs on application programming interfaces (APIs). They make it possible to receive data and consume services through web applications, mobile applications, and network-connected devices. More and more interactions on the Internet are done through APIs. Thanks to APIs, new business models are emerging, and the internet has become a universal business platform. APIs have no industrial attachment, companies […]

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Today’s world runs on application programming interfaces (APIs). They make it possible to receive data and consume services through web applications, mobile applications, and network-connected devices. More and more interactions on the Internet are done through APIs. Thanks to APIs, new business models are emerging, and the internet has become a universal business platform.

APIs have no industrial attachment, companies from different spheres of economy see value in their use for their business. In turn, the market for API management software is growing rapidly, as evidenced by reports from Gartner and Forrester.

Just a few years ago, interaction between different departments of the same business was usually through an integration bus. But the model of interaction through the API portal – the portal where APIs are published – turned out to be so convenient that it is now used within companies as well.

So how is it that even when choosing a model of interaction between departments, companies are now leaning towards API-based solutions? What is the essence of the current technological model and what are the new rules of the game?

Open APIs – fashion or necessity?

The use of open APIs is not just a fashion or a trend – it is a response to the market requirements. Banks, telecommunication companies and insurance organizations already publish their services for external use, for integration with partners and for automating financial flows. The day seems not far off when they will be joined by providers of entertainment, operating services and physical goods.

In Europe, interest in financial flow innovation has been sparked by the European Parliament’s PSD2 payment directive, issued to create a more level, transparent and open payments market that promotes innovation, competition and security. In Russia, the development of open APIs has been officially recognized as a key element necessary for the effective integration of financial market participants’ systems.

The Russian government and its financial sector have already recognized the need for open banking. The provision of banking APIs to external organizations is recognized as a key element, necessary for the effective integration of financial market participants’ systems. The Central Bank, portal, Moscow Exchange, National Clearing Center and National Settlement Depository support open API production initiatives. Some banks have already formulated their open banking strategy, decided on a model for further action, officially announced access to their systems and services via open APIs, and started the corresponding work.

List of APIs on the webMethods API portal

Domestic mobile operators are also offering new platforms with APIs to develop their partners’ businesses. This will allow telecoms providers to support their partners by bundling their offerings and expanding their market for them.

Russian banks and telecom providers are the first to recognize themselves as software developers and the marketplace as a large digital platform to manage products, customize marketing campaigns, and interact with potential customers. Product teams, customers, companies, and clients understand that the more open they are, the more open their products will be, and the faster they will integrate into the overall ecosystem of the markets in which they operate. That’s why they use open APIs – a smart and efficient way for developers to interact and dramatically reduce the time to market for new products.

In addition, open APIs are presented to their partners by software developers such as Yandex. Russian Post also offers integration with external applications via APIs, which allows to embed Russian Post services into third-party sites, applications, accounting and document management systems – for example, to add tracking features to sites.

And, of course, creating products with open APIs is natural for software developers like Software AG. The more completely their products are documented and the better they are managed, the more users they will have.

But the management of open APIs is not up to anyone. It is not possible without a proper technology stack.

Who develops API platforms and how they work

According to Gartner’s aforementioned “magic quadrant,” the market leaders in full lifecycle API management systems are Google, CA Technologies, IBM, Software AG, MuleSoft, Red Hat and TIBCO Software. Forrester, in a recent study, names IBM, Google, Software AG, Rogue Wave Software and WSO2 as leaders.

According to the Forrester report, “APIs are a key foundation for digital transformation. They help optimize the customer experience, create integrated digital ecosystems of customers and partners, enable companies to capitalize on breakthrough digital innovations, improve operational efficiency and lay the foundation for platform-based business models… API management solutions are central to managing the relationship between API vendors and users, developers and application providers must view them as business applications that are critical to digital business success.”

API administration interface

“Without providing full API lifecycle management, you cannot build a platform for digital strategy, build an ecosystem and launch effective products,” Gartner adds in its report.

So what do full API lifecycle management systems provide? Typically, the API lifecycle management technology stack includes tools to publish APIs to an easy-to-read portal with third-party developers as the primary user, an environment for operation, consumption, maintenance, API version management, and decommissioning tools. Some developers (Software AG among them) also provide tools for planning, designing, implementing and testing APIs.

We at Software AG used to do API management when it was still called “back-end interoperability”. We were extending and improving connectivity software, application integration solutions, enterprise service bus systems, and tools for building systems based on a service-oriented architecture.

In 2004, in addition to our integration bus, we created B2B Trading Networks, a product for inter-partner communication and data exchange. It implemented all the classic custom scenarios of inter-partner cooperation, including continuous monitoring, service, and exchange of transaction day results data. Back then, it wasn’t yet called open APIs.

Finally, five years ago we introduced the full API management lifecycle as part of the webMethods API management platform. In 2014 we launched the webMethods API Portal for API developers, and in 2016 we combined the functionality of the webMethods API Gateway, portal, and mediation and lifecycle management tools into one platform. These tools support API development, building, approval and publishing to an accepted technology standard and are part of the Software AG Hybrid Integration & API platform.

How to choose an API platform

Forrester believes that when selecting an API management solution, the first thing to consider is whether the proposed solution is comprehensive – that is, contains an API developer portal, an API management portal, and an API gateway. It is specifically noted that some solutions provide additional components such as API design and development tools, integration platforms, real-time service management platforms, etc.

Forrester further emphasizes that the API management solution should be a true standalone product, separate from any related platforms, integration products or business applications.

Finally, the report’s authors believe it’s worth trusting those solution developers who have a number of full-fledged implementations. Customers of Software AG solution for API management are Michael Kors (manufacturer and supplier of high-end clothing and accessories), American Electric Power (one of the largest North American energy companies), Outerwall (provider of automated kiosks for retail sales), Dick’s Sporting Goods (sporting goods retailer), EDF (the largest French public power generating company and the world’s largest nuclear power plant operator) and others.

To this list of parameters it is worth adding several other factors that should be taken into account when choosing an API platform.

  1. The economy works differently in different industries and has different monetization schemes. Evaluate the development plan for the API platform you are considering. Does it reflect the realities of your business segment? It is important to define the business problem of implementation, form a list of business requirements for the solution and from it derive a list of functional and architectural requirements. Perhaps this list will determine the choice of not only the API solution, but also additional components.
  2. it is very important that your API platform meets the expectations of your customers, or more precisely, their IT departments. The platform should be easy to implement and operate, it should support a customer-friendly technology deployment model (cloud, physical, or hybrid), its functionality should meet their current needs, and its development plan should meet their future needs for a year or two ahead.
  3. The API portal must have extensive analytics capabilities, test interfaces for developers, and the ability to generate documentation based on API metadata. It should provide social collaboration for developers, generation of client SDKs, and monetization tools.
  4. The API gateway must provide security (authentication, authorization, security policy management, attack protection), service mediation, routing and load balancing capabilities.
  5. API lifecycle management tools must provide and assess the interconnectivity of internal and external services, microservices and regular services, technical and business services, and support for different types of “assets” in the catalog.
  6. A very important issue is the total cost of ownership of the solutions, which depends on the speed of product development and time to market – and this is affected by both the practices adopted by developers and the technologies they use.
  7. The question, to which API-platforms developers often don’t have an answer, is how the contract between the customer and the partner will be created and how the billing will work – most likely the vendor has recommendations on the realization of the technological possibility of creating a contract.

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Exploring AMD Ryzen 7000: Zen 4 and AM5 architecture Fri, 30 Dec 2022 12:22:56 +0000 AMD has revealed the details of its Ryzen 7000 series processors on the Zen 4 architecture codenamed “Raphael”. Every now and then the results of various benchmarks that new processors become leaders in one category or another, and AMD itself mentions that the processors are the most advanced and efficient, but we will dwell on the significant results from the […]

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AMD has revealed the details of its Ryzen 7000 series processors on the Zen 4 architecture codenamed “Raphael”. Every now and then the results of various benchmarks that new processors become leaders in one category or another, and AMD itself mentions that the processors are the most advanced and efficient, but we will dwell on the significant results from the available information, so that everyone can make their own conclusions.

It is worth noting that AMD has not gone the way of Intel and has not introduced hybrid cores into its processors, but one innovation will appeal to some of us. The new Ryzen will now have integrated graphics; yes, it will not claim the level of discrete graphics cards, but now it will be possible to display even without a graphics card. Yes, this capability was absent in past AMD processors, except for APUs, processors that couldn’t compete in terms of processor performance with processors without graphics. A Plus Garage Doors has completely switched to such processors

5 figures 5 and technical specifications

In order not to leave everything for later and to understand why we have 5 figures 5, let’s focus on the technical specifications.

  • Processors are based on 5 nm technology from TSMC
  • New AM5 socket
  • Processors work only with DDR5
  • PCIe 5.0 interface
  • Processor Peak Frequency above 5GHz
  • Bottom line: 5nm, AM5, DDR5, PCIe 5, 5GHz.

Now let’s look at the other features of the processor release.

  • Up to 16 cores and 32 threads, which has remained constant since the 5000 series.
  • Up to 5.7GHz in the Ryzen 9 7950x processor, while the Ryzen 9 5950x was claimed to be 4.9GHz.
  • Chiplet technology, which we already know from the 3000 series. In the new generation, the chipsets with cores are made by 5 nm processor, and the I/O chipset by 6 nm.
  • DDR5, which increases memory bandwidth per core by 125%.
  • RDNA 2 integrated graphics, which is in the I/O chiplet with minimal power consumption.
  • We’re looking at about a 29% increase in single threaded performance, about a 45% improvement in multi-threaded performance, and about a 28% increase in performance per watt.
  • AM5 socket LGA 1718. LGA – the socket is now similar to Intel. This is one of the forced measures, LGA technology allows in the same area to place a greater number of contacts and pads for them on the processor itself.
  • 600 series chipsets: X670E Extreme, X670, B650E Extreme and B650.
  • Power consumption increased to 170W TDP and up to 230W at maximum loads. Compared to last generation with 105W and 142W.
  • Support for AVX-512, VNNI.
  • Zen 4 processors with 3B V-Cache are announced to appear this year as well, but there is no information what kind of processors they will be.

We have seen 4 processors: Ryzen 9 7950X, Ryzen 9 7900X, Ryzen 7 7700X, and Ryzen 5 7600X. Each of them will have the number of cores and threads that we are used to seeing from previous generations of processors.

Let’s refer to the table below to see the main characteristics of the new processors.

Model    Cores / FlowsBase / Boost Frequency (GHz)TDP (Вт)Cache (L2+L3) MBMemory
Ryzen 9 7950X16 / 324.5 / 5.7170 / 23080 (16+64)DDR5-5200
Ryzen 9 7900X12 / 244.7 / 5.6170 / 23076 (12+64)DDR5-5200
Ryzen 7 7700X8 / 164.5 / 5.4105 / 14240 (8+32)DDR5-5200
Ryzen 5 7600X6 / 124.7 / 5.3105 / 14238 (6+32)DDR5-5200

If you compare the frequency of the processors with the last generation, it has increased by 800 MHz or 16 percent. Power consumption increased by 38 percent.

Zen 4 architecture.

The Zen journey continues, so says one of AMD’s slides, which shows us the evolutionary history of the architecture, from 2017 through 2022. Of course, it’s not over yet, waiting for further developments, but at this point we can see the major changes. With each generation, the maximum frequency and IPC increased, and different architectural changes took place. With Zen and Zen+ we saw 8 mb cache per complex of 4 cores, SMT (simultaneous multithreading or multithreading technology, when one core has two threads), new boost algorithms and 14/12 nm technology.

With the advent of Zen 2 appeared chip design, full support of FP-256 instruction, increased L3 cache from 8 to 16 Mb and reduced to 7 nm technology process. It is worth to pay attention that AMD primarily focuses on the chiplet’s chipset process with cores rather than I/O chipset.

Going a bit off topic, I/O chipset still has a different techprocess, albeit much smaller than it was before. In Zen 3 AMD showed complexes of 8 cores within a single chiplet. Whereas Zen 2 had two 4-core complexes in one chipset, now one chipset = one 8-core complex, also L3 cache is up to 32 mb with the topology changed. At the same time the process technology remained at the same level. In Zen 4 the technical process was decreased and now it is 5 nm, complex of cores remained unchanged, L3 cache topology was changed once again, at the same time we left its volume. We increased L2 cache up to 1 Mb, as well as added RDNA2 graphics core. Now we can display images on the screen without any video card, only with the help of the processor.

Now let’s turn to the topology of the chip itself with 2 CCD’s (2 complexes of 6-8 cores each) + IOD (I/O chipset) which are the older 7900x and 7950x models. Everything is learned by comparison, and we will look at the new topology in relation to Zen 3 architecture. If we talk about the CCDs themselves, there are no changes in topology.

There are still 8 cores 16 threads, 32mb L3 cache for each of CCX in CCD, same as last generation we see Infinity Fabric bus, in this case number of read and write cycles remains the same as in Zen 3. Now let’s move on to the cIOD. In this block, the communication speed between Infinity Fabric and Unified Memory Controller, as well as between Infinity Fabric and IO Hub Controller remained the same.


However, one interesting SyncFIFO block appeared. In fact, AMD has already claimed patents for this technology in 2019, 2021, perhaps some time yet. The technology itself is not new, something similar was already slipped in 2005. The block itself operates the first-in-first-out (FIFO) buffer with the first clock pulse and one of the FIFO buffer read or write pointers with the first frequency, while operating another read or write pointer on the second clock pulse.

One of the serializer, fed from the output of the buffer FIFO, or deserializer, feeding data to the input of the buffer FIFO, operates with the second clock pulse. Timing pulses let the pointer operating with the second clock pulse, that it has reached a set point in its cycle. The phase of the second clock pulses is adjusted based on the relationship between the timing pulses and the lead period of the pointer operating with the first clock pulses. The pointer operating with the first clock pulse is reset to achieve the desired ratio value.

It corrects for the skew that occurs when you adjust the phase of the second clock pulses. This sounds rather complicated and is only a general description. So why is this block needed? Simply put, if in Zen 3 fclk = uclk, now it is not necessary, the block itself synchronizes the frequency at runtime according to its algorithms.

This is far from saying that the IF frequency has become second nature, but now with 6000 MHz memory frequency there is no need for fclk = 3000. Moving on to the communication between the Unified Memory Controller and the memory, there has also been a change here. Since each RAM module now has 2 channels, the data is now also sent via two channels from the memory to the Unified

Zen 4

In “Zen 4” AMD introduces AVX-512 support, aiming to improve processor performance in high performance computing and artificial intelligence tasks. According to AMD claims the implementation has been done in the most compact and energy efficient way possible, without affecting the processor’s core frequency. AVX-512 operations are performed on a 256-bit dual-filled FPU rather than a 512-bit FP mechanism.

The VNNI and Bfloat16 instruction sets have also been added, which means that “Zen 4” can handle almost all the AVX-512 client-related workloads that competing processors from Intel can currently perform.

The load/store block is the part of the core that interacts with the memory subsystem. The “Zen 4” kernel gets a 22% increased boot queue with improved resolution of data port conflicts. The reserved data transfer buffer L2 is increased by 50%. Besides that we have 3 operations per cycle, maximum 3 loads, 2 stores and 6 table (page) bypassers.

The Ryzen 7000 desktop processor’s cache hierarchy is similar to that of the Ryzen 5000 with some key differences; in addition to bandwidth/retention improvements, the dedicated L2 cache size has been doubled to 1MB. The eight CCD processor cores share a monolithic 32MB Level 3 cache with equal access to each core.

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Australian Online Casinos Will Improve Software to Increase Withdrawal Speed Mon, 22 Aug 2022 12:04:43 +0000 The first 20 years of the twenty-first century have been terrific for the Australian online casinos, states in their latest 2022 review. The market then continues to expand every year, setting new records while defying projections. As emerging innovations become more prevalent, the industry is anticipated to see unprecedented growth peaks. With its popularity, the online gambling industry confronts […]

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The first 20 years of the twenty-first century have been terrific for the Australian online casinos, states in their latest 2022 review. The market then continues to expand every year, setting new records while defying projections. As emerging innovations become more prevalent, the industry is anticipated to see unprecedented growth peaks.

With its popularity, the online gambling industry confronts some significant obstacles that must be solved to contribute to further growth in profits. The online gambling sector is facing significant problems from evolving technologies, ambiguous regulations, prohibitions, post-COVID19 reality, shifting consumer patterns, and fashions.

Over the past five years, registered casinos and clubs have encountered a variety of difficulties. There is undoubtedly a need for research into the current condition of the industry, the difficulties it faces, and how to overcome them in light of the recent economic meltdown, tough competition from bars, clubs, and hotels offering comparable amusement and hospitality characteristics, tightening laws across the nation, and these factors.

Challenges for Australian Online Casions

A significant issue facing the internet gaming sector is regulations. The majority of internet casinos are accessible worldwide, yet not all nations consider online gambling to be lawful. All types of gambling are still prohibited in a lot of places like Australia. Even within nations like the US, several states have distinct gambling laws, some of which favor it while others don’t.

There is no doubt that regulations are made to make online betting safer and more equitable for players. Some of these rules, meanwhile, are quite strict and hinder the industry’s expansion. The fact that so many nations are taking action to control the online betting industry in their region might be seen favorably. This is necessary due to the prevalence of numerous fake websites.

It is difficult to discuss the laws and norms that govern the gambling sector from a legal perspective. Every class of games has its own set of rules and guidelines, just as there are several kinds of sports played around the world. For instance, it’s crucial to know the distinction between playing and gambling because the two are sometimes conflated, notably when it comes to competitive matches. For example, Texas Holdem Poker follows different rules than other games played in browsers. The rise of esports, which are essentially a fusion of gaming as well as sports, must be addressed, on the contrary hand.

Games in Virtual Reality

Virtual reality video games are becoming more popular. The use of virtual reality in the online gaming industry is generating a lot of enthusiasm. Although the specifics are still up in the air, there is a growing push for it, and software makers are already looking at the potential.

Virtual reality games are expected to narrow the gap between online and land-based casino gaming experiences. Comparing the gambling experience in online casinos to those at physical casinos still raises some questions. The best effort to bridge this gap is with live casino games, yet they are insufficient. Trying to replicate the casino experience that players have on the casino site is one of the major issues the online gambling industry is facing.


Cryptocurrency has been included by several online casinos in their methods of payment. Many online casinos only accept cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin as payment. But many of the best online casinos are still hesitant to accept it as a payment method.

Numerous unresolved problems with cryptocurrencies continue to prevent their widespread use. One major obstacle to bitcoin adoption has been its volatility, which has an impact on household exchange rates. Moreover, whereas authorities prefer transparency, cryptocurrency favors a more anonymous method. With Bitcoin as well as other cryptos, it is challenging to trace the source of payments.

Software Design

The world of online casinos has become one of the most profitable industries where site design is crucial. These are online virtual casinos that mimic traditional casinos like Baden-Baden as well as gaming establishments. This industry has a strong online presence and has done so for some time. Online slots in a diversity of presentations are just one of the things available, along with mechanized table games, lottery games, live casino streams, and lottery tickets, from actual casinos.

These platforms encounter substantial design difficulties. Despite a vast selection of game varieties, online gambling should be simple and intuitive for the consumer to operate.

Security Concerns

Since software powers every online casino game, it’s critical to understand whether the developer of the software is a well-known and reliable one. Independent software experts should have examined and approved the online gambling software. The independent auditing company should inspect and audit any online casino’s whole system. Bank statements and issues like payout percentages may be audited, and the results may be put online or made available upon request. By doing this, it is ensured that online gambling follows the rules of fair competition.

The Random Number Generator (RNG) used by the online casino controls how games turn out. If an RNG has a flaw, it might be hackable, which could lead to unfair practices.

Mobile Apps for Casinos

Customer expectation for mobile-friendly casino games increased as the industry honed its games for desktops. To accommodate the growing number of mobile players, numerous online gaming and casino developers rapidly released mobile versions of their games. The market for mobile online casinos is expanding, but it has not yet reached its full potential. Smartphones are used by half of the global total. There seem to be 3.5 billion users of smartphones worldwide, according to Statistics. 2.2 billion of these individuals enjoy mobile games on their smartphones.

It is a blatant sign of the enormous market potential for the mobile gambling market. On this, additional work needs to be done by Australian online casinos with fastest withdrawal to increase payout speed for cashouts made with mobile devices. Many gambling sites are still having trouble making their games mobile-friendly in 2022.

Saturated Market

It is sufficient to remark that the gambling and casino sites sectors have grown significantly in popularity. Even more significant, the appetite will grow even greater ahead. What causes this? The most difficult phase of creating and launching a digital online casino that will sell its services is the stage that occurs when the games are developed before being adopted by various operators. Furthermore, attracting new players can be difficult due to the continuous creation of new games, whereas older games occasionally have more players.

Final thoughts

An online casino requires a lot of work to set up. It’s also not just about the website’s visual aesthetic. This is not by any means unimportant, yet in some ways, it serves as the platform’s calling card. But the truly crucial events take place on the so-called backend, behind the scenes. Here, the offer’s usability, safety, and data security are all addressed. Naturally, the graphics should be able to incorporate everything. But it still only serves as a façade.

By the way, when it comes to website layout and web design, the majority of Australian online casinos are the best.

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Radeon Software Mon, 10 May 2021 11:45:59 +0000 Up until now, performance tuning has been one of those things that was always best left to the experts. Powerful computers for gaming with modern graphics cards and their advanced capabilities are very often intimidating for young gamers. With the latest Radeon Software Adrenalin 2020 Edition, the AMD team has removed the complexities that frightened novice gamers and added simplified […]

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Up until now, performance tuning has been one of those things that was always best left to the experts. Powerful computers for gaming with modern graphics cards and their advanced capabilities are very often intimidating for young gamers. With the latest Radeon Software Adrenalin 2020 Edition, the AMD team has removed the complexities that frightened novice gamers and added simplified controls along with automatic presets for novice gamers. Advanced tools have also been added for experts who want full control over their graphics card and use their computer to its fullest.

Performance Tuning is a revolutionary tool developed by AMD for tweaking and overclocking your system. It allows gamers to overclock GPUs and lower their power supply voltage, control the frequencies of the video card and video memory, as well as adjust the fan speed. The interface of the Radeon Software Adrenalin 2020 Edition application has been radically redesigned.

Radeon Software is introducing new performance tweaks for the Radeon RX 6800 and RX 6900 series graphics cards. By selecting a One-Click Tune Pack, you can adjust the graphics card’s power consumption for both maximum performance and power savings. Available on the Radeon RX 6800 XT and Radeon RX 6900 XT GPUs, Rage Mode allows users to use any additional GPU capabilities to maximize gaming performance.

First, let’s look at the user interface for measuring performance, where you can immediately see the most important information about the system and performance.

Metrics Overview allows users to view several different system metrics at the same time. Here you can select any metric and view more detailed information. You can also show / hide specific items to overlay performance metrics.
Details of metrics allow you to get the most detailed information after you have selected a metric from the overview column. On the right, you can see more detailed statistics for any metric.

Performance tuning is done using a fully automatic preview. Auto Preview provides the ability for novice users to access features that enable automatic performance tuning using Radeon Software. Features – Auto Undervolt GPU, Auto Overclock GPU and Auto Overclock VRAM. The availability of the above features is dependent on system hardware and some Radeon GPUs may not be available.

Autotuning Features of Radeon Software

Automatic tuning is done using an algorithm that tests the GPU. It fine-tunes overclocking to determine stable settings based on the option selected. As soon as instability in the work of the GPU is detected, the algorithm immediately reverts to the best previous settings. This is done so that the user can expect a good stable overclocking of the graphics card that suits their needs.

Undervolt GPU – Allows you to overclock your graphics card while maintaining performance. This could potentially increase performance per watt and save energy.
Overclock GPU – allows you to overclock the frequency of the graphics core. May potentially improve performance in GPU bound games.
Overclock VRAM – allows you to overclock video memory. May potentially improve performance in games with limited memory.

The settings management (manual mode) has also received a new look. Manual mode allows you to fine-tune the GPU and overclocking in more detail. After selecting a specific category that you want to customize, you can select additional options to see all the controls available for customization.

List of Radeon Software Features:

GPU Tuning lets you access voltage and frequency controls.
Fan Tuning allows you to access controls to tune the fan speed.
VRAM Tuning allows you to access controls to tune the memory frequency.
Power Tuning allows you to access controls to limit power consumption.

Get the most out of your Radeon graphics card and take full advantage of the Radeon software. Please be reminded that overclocking any AMD processor, including changing clock speed / multipliers or memory voltage, will void any applicable AMD product warranties, even if such overclocking is performed using AMD hardware and / or software. Users assume all risks and liabilities that may arise as a result of overclocking AMD processors, including hardware failure or damage, system performance degradation, data loss or corruption.

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G-Sync on FreeSync Monitor Sat, 10 Apr 2021 12:43:17 +0000 V-Sync technology, or vertical sync, was the first to minimize on-screen performance loss. It worked like this: the frame rate of the monitor was capped to match the power output of the GPU. The only problem is that even if it goes down, you will still feel a little freeze. Later, G-Sync technology appeared, which was originally developed for use […]

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V-Sync technology, or vertical sync, was the first to minimize on-screen performance loss. It worked like this: the frame rate of the monitor was capped to match the power output of the GPU. The only problem is that even if it goes down, you will still feel a little freeze. Later, G-Sync technology appeared, which was originally developed for use in conjunction with V-Sync. However, Nvidia later allowed users to disable this option. The G-Sync module provides a dynamic refresh rate that matches the output of the GPU (much like V-Sync), but takes into account the reduction in refresh rate. That is, G-Sync is enhanced V-Sync. This technology improves the quality of the game at times, so gamers are trying to buy a gaming PC in Ukraine with a powerful video card from Nvidia that supports G-Sync.

The technology in question refreshes the screen exactly when the frame is complete and requires the GPU to output it. Refresh rate is the maximum frame rate used by the G-Sync module. Thanks to this technology, there will be no delays. The reason for syncing is to lower the refresh rate on both your monitor and graphics card. In this case, the monitor operates at a fixed refresh rate that fluctuates, which often leads to a loss in screen performance.

So the bottom line is that if your GPU creates frames at a lower rate than your monitor’s refresh rate, you will experience some stuttering (in other words, glitches). If the processor is running faster, it may show the next frame too quickly, which leads to freezes. G-Sync just removes this effect.


Unlike V-Sync, which limits the frame rate to match the monitor’s refresh rate, G-Sync allows the monitor to run at a variable refresh rate that matches the GPU. Ultimately this eliminates the chance of gaps and delays as the technology takes into account the frequency difference.

Let us illustrate this with a real-life example. You’re playing a demanding game with G-Sync enabled and hitting 100fps. Your monitor’s real-time refresh rate matches this frame rate. Let’s say you get to the part of the game that is even more demanding on the GPU, and you are seeing a much lower FPS. G-Sync will make the frame rate match the module again and you won’t see any glitches.


The G-Sync module is a proprietary technology, so it can be considered an expensive luxury as the G-Sync scaler replaces the standard one in the monitor. Other sync technologies, such as Freesync, are also hardware / software solutions and are usually a cheaper option due to the fact that the scaler is manufactured by several different companies.

Adding G-Sync can sometimes add hundreds of dollars to a monitor’s cost. But since 2020, Nvidia has started releasing drivers that allow GPUs to run with a certain adaptive sync and Freesync monitors. This makes G-Sync a more affordable option and is a brilliant solution from Nvidia.

Another downside to G-Sync is that it won’t work with most AMD graphics cards, so if you own or plan to buy such chips, don’t buy a G-Sync monitor.

Now let’s move on directly to the inclusion of the technology in question on FreeSync.

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AMD FreeSync Wed, 10 Feb 2021 12:49:02 +0000 AMD FreeSync is a versatile technology that brings gamers to the next level of graphics. It eliminates tearing in video games and image interruptions with fast speed and no distortion at virtually any frame rate. It is this technology that is driving the breakthrough performance in video games that are being released to computers and consoles. AMD FreeSync technology has […]

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AMD FreeSync is a versatile technology that brings gamers to the next level of graphics. It eliminates tearing in video games and image interruptions with fast speed and no distortion at virtually any frame rate. It is this technology that is driving the breakthrough performance in video games that are being released to computers and consoles.

AMD FreeSync technology has been around for over 6 years and the FreeSync display ecosystem has grown exponentially in recent times. FreeSync is the largest gaming monitor ecosystem with 1,000 certified displays. By the way, the appearance of new high-quality displays is expected in January-February 2021. The AMD team is thrilled with the success of the ecosystem and the collaboration with numerous display partners.

Gaming hardware, gamer expectations, and FreeSync technology have evolved over the past few years. With more powerful gaming components, gamers’ needs and experiences are enhanced. This is why AMD believes that gamers looking for high-speed gaming needs to be able to easily identify and select the right product.

AMD FreeSync Premium extends the basic capabilities of FreeSync with additional benefits, such as the following 2 key points needed for high-performance gaming:

Refresh rate at least 120 Hz at minimum FHD resolution
Low Frequency Compensation (LFC)

FreeSync technology will remain the foundation for monitors, laptops and TVs that have been designed and tested to meet a quality standard for performance. Regardless of technology level, all FreeSync displays go through a comprehensive certification process that tests various aspects such as tear-free, low flicker and low latency to ensure responsive gaming.

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